
Select a "selectedCC" creation method

The loaded network does not contain a "SelectedCC"/"Localization" attribute.

CellNetVis can try to load the Localization attribute from InnateDB (innate immune response of humans, mice and bovines to microbial infection database), but the compartments are limited to Extracellular, Plasma Membrane, Cytosol/Cytoplasm, and Nucleus.

Please click Submit to proceed.

If strongly necessary, after loading the network, users can manually change the Selected CC value on the Attribute Table. There is also an attribute named "Changed Selected CC" that indicates the nodes you have changed; you can use this attribute with the Node Color and Node Label functionalities.

Note: We recommend the IIS to create networks automatically and properly annotated with "Selected CC" attribute.

Please cite: Heberle, H., Carazzolle, M. F., Telles, G. P., Meirelles, G. V., & Minghim, R. (2017). CellNetVis : a web tool for visualization of biological networks using force-directed layout constrained by cellular components. BMC Bioinformatics, 18(10), 395. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-017-1787-5

Layout created using Cerebral.js: